Five on Friday - Miscelaneous
What's your favorite sandwich? With out a doubt it is Jif Peanut butter and Smuckers Strawberry Perserves.
If you made a movie, what would it be about and who would be in it? It would be a Zombie movie and I would just have people that I knew it it. I would like to pick who would be a Zombie and who would be lunch..
If you were to start a charity, what would it be for? They already exists American Diabetes Association and Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
What's your favorite music video? It would have to be Thriller.. (see number 2 above). I remember going to a friends house to see it.. Thanks Mike.
You have unlimited funds and unlimited space to make your dream abode. What and where is it, and what does it look like? The pictures below say it all.
This is my dream house
This is Kim's Dream House